A vacant three storey town centre former NatWest bank premises, comprising of two linked buildings with access from both Fore Street and Crockwell Street. The property offers tremendous potential for further perhaps upwards extension and residential development in part, along with retaining a commercial element, subject to any requisite consents, upon which interested parties must make and rely upon their own planning enquiries of Cornwall Council planning department.
Fore Street is the main trading area of the thriving town of Bodmin, having enjoyed a programme of regeneration in recent years and being readily commutable to the A30/A38 road networks, along with the mainline railway station at Bodmin Parkway.
Two storage rooms.
Ground Floor
Entrance vestibule, former banking hall. Rear lobby linking to the rear building and two further rooms.
First Floor
Landing, former staff room, two offices and former kitchen.
Second Floor
Open plan attic space.
Ground Floor
Former office space and strong room.
First Floor
Large landing, former server room and cloakroom.
Second Floor
Open plan room, former kitchen and bathroom.
Rear passageway leading to Crockwell Street with former boiler room and store.
Strictly by prior appointment with Stratton Creber Bodmin 01208 74422. General enquiries Countrywide Property Auctions 01395 275691.
We understand that the current owner has been in discussion with Cornwall Council plannning department with regards to conversion in part for residential flats. Please refer to the legal pack for further information, advice given and architechts drawings.
The Promap shown is for approximate identification purposes only and is not to scale. Crown Copyright Reserved.
Guide Price
An indication of the seller’s current minimum acceptable price at auction. The guide price or range of guide prices is given to assist consumers in deciding whether or not to pursue a purchase. It is usual, but not always the case, that a provisional reserve range is agreed between the seller and the auctioneer at the start of marketing. As the reserve is not fixed at this stage and can be adjusted by the seller at any time up to the day of the auction in the light of interest shown during the marketing period, a guide price is issued. This guide price can be shown in the form of a minimum and maximum price range within which an acceptable sale price (reserve) would fall, or as a single price figure within 10% of which the minimum acceptable price (reserve) would fall. A guide price is different to a reserve price (see separate definition). Both the guide price and the reserve price can be subject to change up to and including the day of the auction.
Reserve Price
The seller’s minimum acceptable price at auction and the figure below which the auctioneer cannot sell. The reserve price is not disclosed and remains confidential between the seller and the auctioneer.
Both the guide price and the reserve price can be subject to change up to and including the day of the auction.
5 Fore Street, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 2HX
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An indication of the seller’s current minimum acceptable price at auction. The guide price or range of guide prices is given to assist consumers in deciding whether or not to pursue a purchase. It is usual, but not always the case, that a provisional reserve range is agreed between the seller and the auctioneer at the start of marketing. As the reserve is not fixed at this stage and can be adjusted by the seller at any time up to the day of the auction in the light of interest shown during the marketing period, a guide price is issued. This guide price can be shown in the form of a minimum and maximum price range within which an acceptable sale price (reserve) would fall, or as a single price figure within 10% of which the minimum acceptable price (reserve) would fall. A guide price is different to a reserve price (see separate definition). Both the guide price and the reserve price can be subject to change up to and including the day of the auction.
The seller’s minimum acceptable price at auction and the figure below which the auctioneer cannot sell. The reserve price is not disclosed and remains confidential between the seller and the auctioneer.
Both the guide price and the reserve price can be subject to change up to and including the day of the auction.
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